Keeping The Pipes Warm This Colder Months

Posted on: November 22nd, 2016 by admin

How Can Orlando Homeowners Keep Their Pipes Warm This Winter


It’s not just you that needs to keep warm. If you don’t want your home’s pipes to shatter from the cold and leave you without water and with a hefty plumber’s bill, you’ll want to do a few things to help ward against icy water pipes. It’s important to keep the ice that may form in your pipes from creating a bunch of water from bottling up in the blockage and putting huge pressure on the pipes, causing them to crack, spring leaks or straight out burst.

Here are some tips on how to prevent your pipes from freezing and some tips on how to thaw them out safely if they do.

Frozen Pipes Burst: Why It Happens and How to Avoid It.

The reason that many water pipes burst is due to both the weather and the tempurature. Water expands as it freezes and if this expansion occurs in a closed environment, such as a water pipe, there could be substantial pressure placed on the inner walls of the pipe material. Whether the pipes are made out of copper, iron, lead, or CPVC plastic, it does not matter. Even if a pipe is strong enough to handle the occasional stress of frozen water, the cumulative effect can weaken the structural integrity of the pipe and eventually, it will burst as the pipe thaws.

Good news for homeowners is that most pipes are protected from bursting because they are either covered with insulation or are located in places that very rarely reach the freezing tempurature of water. However, there may be sections of pipe that are often exposed to freezing tempuratures or have issues because of insulation failure. The frozen water within the pipes causes blockage, which combined with water pressure and backup, can cause weakened pipes to burst without warning.

We, as professionals here at John C. Flood, highly recommend that you keep water flowing through pipes during cold weather (leave a trickle of water flowing through home faucets during a cold weather event). Also, if you have been having issues with this already, it can prove necessary to shut off your main water supply immediately to minimize any future damage.

Upon discovery of a burst water pipe, please call As Soon As Possible to find the leak and repair the damage.

Some precautionary measures you can take are:

  • Turn off outside faucets. Disconnect the hose. If you are going to be away for the winter, turn off the water from inside your house and drain the pipe.
  • Never completely shut off the heat when you are away. If you are planning to leave your home for an extended period of time and you don’t drain your pipes, lower the thermostat, but never shut it off. The lack of heat can freeze the pipes in the walls and basement. Freezing bursts the pipes and, when the house warms up, the thawing water will cause flooding and significant damage.
  • Patch any cracks and holes in doors, windows, and walls near pipes. When the temperature drops to near zero, a high wind blowing through a small opening can freeze a nearby pipe, even though the temperature in the room is 70°F.
  • Insulate water meters, pipes, and faucets in unheated areas. Wrap pipes with pipe-insulating material, which is available at hardware stores.

Dealing with frozen and burst water pipes isn’t fun for anyone.

The frigid weather continues so more homeowners are looking for ways to avoid frozen and burst water pipes. If you’ll be away from your home for extended time during cold weather, you must keep your heat at a minimum of 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Or you can drain the water from all your plumbing systems, what’s typically done for summer homes. But some other tips could be, by calling a professional plumber before you leave your house, this can make you sure that you don’t have nothing to worry leaving the house because they can make an assurance in checking up the whole plumbing system in your home. Call Blue Water Damage Restoration & Plumber Services that serves the area of Orlando at 407-641-1544 today.

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